Sell your books

We buy philosophical and scholarly works by the following authors:

Adorno, Althusser, Alinsky, Arendt, Bachelard, Bakunin, Barthes, Karl Barth, Bataille, Baudrillard, Benjamin, Isaiah Berlin, Wendell Berry, Bonhoeffer, Bookchin, Bourdieu, Judith Butler, Ward Churchill, Cixous, Julio Cortazar, Deleuze, Derrida, Wade Davis, Dawkins, Durkheim, Eliade, Fanon, Richard Feynman, Frege, Freire, Foucault, Gadamer, Eduardo Galeano, Geertz, Gellner, Geuss, Giddens, Emma Goldman, Habermas, Hegel, E.J. Hobsbawm, Hooks, Horkheimer, Edmund Husserl, Jameson, C.G. Jung, Kant, Kierkegaard, Melanie Klein, Kripke, Krishnamurti, Kropotkin, Lacan, Levinas, Levi-Strauss, C.S. Lewis, Lyotard, Maimonides, Marcuse, John Muir, Nietzsche, Nozick, Nussbaum, Oakeshott, Karl Popper, Proudhon, Rawls, Ricoeur, Russell, Said, Sartre, Richard Sennett, Schopenhauer, Shelling, Spinoza, Strauss, Charles Taylor, E. P. Thompson, Virilio, Weber, Weil, Hayden White, Winnicott, Wittgenstein, Zinn, Zizek.

We buy literature and poetry by the following authors:

Artaud, Ashbery, James Baldwin, Beckett, John Berger, Blake, Bolaño, Borges, Brautigan, Broch, Bukowski, Bulgakov, Burroughs, Calvino, Canetti, Anne Carson, Lewis Carroll, Raymond Carver, Céline, G.K. Chesterton, Cocteau, Leonard Cohen, Coetzee, e.e. cummings, DeLillo, Philip K. Dick, T.S. Eliot (poems), Fante, Ferlinghetti, Ferrante, Foer, Genet, Ginsberg, Knut Hamsun, Kafka, Kerouac, Larkin, Lorca, Henry Miller, Haruki Murakami, Musil, Nabokov, Neruda, Orwell, Paz, Plath, Pynchon, Rilke, Saint-Exupery, Sebald, Stanislavsky, Thoreau, Vonnegut, David Foster Wallace, Wodehouse.

House Calls

If you wish to sell a large collection of books from your home, office, or storage space, contact us and we’ll arrange an appointment.